Our mentors dedicate their time to not only teach us about the essentials Vex Robotics, but also to prepare us for a career of engineering. Without their help and dedication, we wouldn't be where we are today.
Alyssa Carter DeMary
Ben Sego

Ben Sego has been mentoring schools that attend EC3 since 2015. He has alot of engineering and technical backgrounds and chose to mentor our teams to help increase student's knowledge of engineering and Vex Robotics. He also coaches team 32545A "Glendale Tecnhicals, a middle school team. He is a very dedicated mentor that helps us whenever we may be stumped on something technology related
Alyssa Carter DeMary has been mentoring Vex teams at EC3 since 2015. She has not only been the Volunteer Organizer for almost every single Vex event hosted at EC3, but also is a big sponsor for us, hosting a lot of Vex-related fundraisers in order to help our engineering program. She can be a very big help around the program when it comes to help giving tips about how to better improve our skills.