Jason Neagle is an engineering teacher at the Early College and Career Center (EC3). He teaches students from North, Central, and John Hardin High School that attend EC3. He was originally a teacher at Central Hardin High School until 2015 when he was offered a job at EC3 to teach the concepts of engineering to Hardin County's high schools. Because of his excellent teaching methods, he is recognized through out the state as one if Kentucky's best educators of engineering. He is also the coach for North Hardin's Vex Robotics program.
Jason Neagle
Melissa Mills

Mellisa Mills teaches students from North and John Hardin High School, but she stays full time at North Hardin. John Hardin students who takes here classes ride a bus to North Hardin. She teaches Introduction to Engineering (IED), and Principles of Engineering (POE). She is also the coach for North Hardin's TSA program.
Our teachers help us learn about the essentials of how to think like an engineer, simulate tasks that engineers do in the real world, and how to become one. They also help us prepare for a prosperous career of engineering and help us choose which branch of engineering suits each student the most.